MyResQ Malaysia's one and only Medical Emergency Life Saving App
What do you do when faced with a medical emergency like the cardiac arrest of your loved one? The first thing you do is immediately activate your MyResQ app and within seconds rescuers within 500 meters of where the victim is located will be on the scene to help you. In the case of cardiac arrest, the next rescuer will be bringing an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to the scene.
In a medical emergency, time is precious. On average, the fastest ambulance can reach the victim is about 20 mins. By that time, those who suffer from cardiac arrest or drowning would have suffered from severe brain damage due to the lack of oxygen to the brain after 4 mins.
MyResQ app made the front page of The Star newspaper on the 26th of November 2024. Read the article here:
This life-saving app closes the last-mile gap and sends rescuers to help the victims before the ambulance arrives. Download the app. It is free for the public to use, and for companies that want to collaborate and advertise, please contact us at 0123300415. Let's save precious lives together, ok?
