Corporate Training: Identifying Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm For Managers
Updated: Nov 22, 2022
This award-winning workshop provide managers and leaders with the knowledge and skills on how to recognise suicidal ideation and self-destructive tendencies in those under their management and leadership.

The recent rise in suicides and calls to suicide helpline due to the Covid-19 pandemic has increase drastically. Consider this case that is reported by the Strait Times on the 12th of July, 2021. Nina Razif, continue to cope mentally and emotionally until the third locked down. Then stress and depression begins to overwhelm her. Many of us are experiencing the same slow deterioration of our mental health as the prolonged lockdown begins to induce a sense of helplessness and anxiety within us. The Covid-19 pandemic has been traumatizing for all of us at many levels. Some of us might have become more paranoid about our health. Others might have become more anxious about their business and jobs. And there are also those that worry about the future after seeing how their children has failed to thrive in an online schooling environment. Marriages and relationships that are weak has broken down or gotten worse, stress levels are increasing on all fronts as the pandemic continues without any end in sight. In the meantime, attempted suicide and successful suicide rates continue to increase daily. Although Malaysia does not have a system that routinely collect statistics that are reliable and that gets updated daily, police records shows that successful suicide cases has doubled since 2019 before the start of the pandemic and lockdown. Thus, we hope to work with companies that are as concern about this rising trend as we are to create an early detection system within the company by training executives, managers and leaders on how to spot potential self-destructive behaviour in their staffs and to provide management with the skills to manage and handle potential suicide victims in their company. Would your company be interested in to have management gain this skill? If yes, book us for the training. Who should attend? Business owners, Executives, Managers, Leaders, Medical doctors (GP), Therapists, MLM leaders. What will you learn?
• What is suicidal ideation? • Suicide ideation vs self-harm. • Passive-Active types of suicidal ideation. • What to do and say if a staff/colleague discloses. • How to recognise suicide ideation, even if a individual doesn’t disclose. • Examples of clients who have presented with suicidal ideations. • Your duty of care – When do you have to report? • Who to report to/ who to refer to. • Safety plans and how to write them. • Your self-care. • Trauma-Informed Therapy and how you can use it to help prevent suicide.
4 weeks.
Delivery Method.
2 online lecture (Week 1 and 2).
Online coursework (Week 3 and 4)
Maximum per/class.
30 paxs.
Minimum per/class.
20 paxs.
Bonus. Include in this program an online course to train the participants to become Psychological First Aider. Fees.
Tailored to company's budget. Let's Talk!
*** This course is available only through your company. Due to the peer support and experiential nature way of this training, we do not accept singular enrolment for this course. ***